Monday, January 27, 2014

A Touchy Technology

After Apple's release of the new iPhone 5s in September, many new updates have been made to the iPhone 5, one of them being the fingerprint scanner. Though fingerprint technology has been used on a smaller scale by some businesses and universities as a means of identification, the addition of the fingerprint scanner on the 5s has made the technology mainstream.

When I first heard about the new fingerprint technology that is incorporated into the new iPhone, I thought it would be pretty cool--almost like something that only exists in the movies. Though a fingerprint scanner sounded cool, I was still not sold on the practicality of fingerprint technology. The idea of having a fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 5s seemed like just another gimmick to get people to buy a new phone.

Another major concern about fingerprints being used to guard personal information, is security. Apple does do a very good job of making sure that your fingerprint is safe by storing "fingerprint data on a quarantined section of the phone's processor, doesn't sync with iCloud, and is blocked from third-party use." Though Apple is very protective of fingerprint information, they may not be the only ones who will have your fingerprint information in the future. With the increasing use of fingerprint technology, many people may be wondering if fingerprints might be the password of the future.

An article I was reading from Popular Science voices the possible concerns of biometric identification: "A fingerprint’s greatest strength—its uniqueness—is also its greatest weakness." Though fingerprint scanners are pretty awesome, they have many weaknesses when it comes to security. For one thing, a password can always be reset or an account can always be deleted, however, that is not true with a fingerprint. Because we have yet to perfect fingerprint technology, I feel it should be reserved for recreational use and for scifi movies.

How do you feel about fingerprint technology? How might fingerprint technology change the future for the good or bad?


  1. I think I would feel weird having my fingerprints on my phone. I don't know why but it just creeps me out

  2. LOL. I know how you feel. (pun intended)

  3. But, on a more serious note, what do you think about the way our nation (and others) are moving towards fingerprint security?
