Monday, November 4, 2013

Tick Tock on the Clock

I wake up-it's 7:00
I arrive at school-it's 8:07
I walk into advisory-it's 8:11
I finish Spanish homework in advisory-it's 8:34
I hear the bell ring-it's 8:40

As a student, my life seems to be governed by time and a series of bells. Every day I probably look at a clock at least 100 times. Clocks are everywhere--on computers, phones, every classroom wall, on wrists... The human invention of time has been around for thousands of years, however, I think the more we have access to technology, the more people have become obsessed with time.

I wouldn't say that it is necessarily a bad thing to keep track of the time. But, the fact that nearly everything these days is about living around a clock bothers me. I know I'm not the only teenager out there who feels the same dislike of alarms as me. Another time I feel that I am being governed by a clock is taking standardized tests, especially the dreaded ACT. Last Saturday, I took the ACT for the first time. Though I had taken several practice tests before, I messed up my pacing on several sections and when the proctor said, "Five minutes left," I would have 20 questions left to answer. It's not necessarily that I didn't know how to do most of the problems, but because of a clock, I couldn't show my best possible abilities. Why do I need an additional pressure of a clock??

Do you think standardized tests are a measure of test-taking ability or actual intelligence?

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